Monday, February 21, 2011

Winona Bike Ride

Kathleen & Michael Ladd, Jackie, Jimmy Huff, Beth Malone, me,
Martino (Kara was doing tv...great story), Neall, Kyle and Cecilia Killough

The Bay Road, look at Neall's Italian Polka Dot Jersey

I took this photo for Joy who didn't attend the ride because she
doesn't have padded shorts....See Joy, you can wear anything and be on
any bike and survive  (this is Kyle)

My buffet...

Whit's bike is too big for him so to stop he jumps off...

Young Birdeye bikers...Whit, Stella and Chloe

Look at Whit....cracks me up this "pose"
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Okay, so I'd planned on a 45 miler (am I crazy, yes, yes I  but we only did 21, Martin and Kyle did 25 miles on up to Winona.  Per Kyle's request, we weren't sure we could do the original 45 to Earle because of the lack of daylight.  We had a great time this ride even though we had a super strong head wind on the way out.  On the way back, Martin passed me going at least 20 mph and that really got me fired up so I high tailed it to try and catch him.  By the time I got to the Birdeye Cemetery, I was doing 22 mph and was really choking but I just had to catch him.  I almost did at the 4 way....dang it, it was so close!  Anyway, it was a ton of fun as usual!  Lookin forward to the next one...who's going to host?-Keeli

Monday, February 14, 2011

Road Bike this Saturday, February 19, 2011

Some participants in the Edmond Frigid Five
Monday, February 14, 2011

Ya'll be on time or text me if you're running late.  See Kyle's comment (I personally think he's talking about Kara and I since we are always late because of kids and sitters...I didn't take it personally tho!  lol!):

I am wondering if a 45 miler is a bit much this Saturday because our 3:00 start time is really 3:30 and 45 will take 3 hrs and will be riding in the near dark. It is a full moon this weekend and that would be neat to ride in as long as there is no traffic but I degress. I'm thinking of an out and double back from Winnona which is 34 miles and we will be picking up Cecelia and anyone else on the return.

Happy Valentine's Day Ya'll!  I'm so glad Jackie took care of Valentine's Day at Iris last week, it was divine.  The restaurant also put my review of it on Iris' Facebook page so there's been a lot of people on there!  I am making Jackie Chicken Fried Steak for dinner, which is a great gift to him, since he hasn't been on the same page about all my Terry Conlan cookin.

It's such a beautiful day!  Kara and I wanna ride road bikes Saturday when we get off work.  Let's meet at my house 3 pm.  Let's do that good loop over to Winnona so plan on 3 hours-Keeli

From Kyle 2-15-11
I have a new route to try from Birdeye: coldwater,twist,earle,parkin,coldwater only 2 miles of it on 64. 45miles

P.S. I'll have provisions for a snack and social time Saturday.  If you're joining us post it on here!
On my menu:  Fresh's Hummus with pitas, celery, carrots and Pancho's dip and chips (I love/miss Pancho's!), Gladiator, Stella and Ultra (Boone is to bring the old stand by).  Ya'll don't have to bring a thing!-Keeli

Kyle's recommendation for chronic knee pain

CoCo and Whit sleddin....
Thursday, February 10, 2011

During our snow storm yesterday, Kyle emailed me his recommendations for my knee pain.  I loved that he has such a different style for riding bikes.  I've copied this from my email:

The answer of course is to spin like a lunatic but you have stated you don't care for the free and easy life of the spinner . So, what to do? Let technology come to the rescue! Go to the Gearhead and ask for a new speedometer/computer with a "cadence" function and live by the numbers, ie: nothing below 90 rpm and better yet, try to stay above 100 rpm. RPM is the revolutions your pedals are turning and you are killing your knees because I've watched your pedaling style and you average about 60 rpm. Too much pressure and torque on the joints at that rpm, you much change today! Just as I must refrain from single malt Scotch for breakfast you must lay off mashing the big gears. Drink the spinners punch, you'll learn to like it and besides it will make you a better rider and a healthier person. It's about aerobics, not weight lifting.

RPM's rule!
Coach Kyle

I'd like to also report that Jackie and I are back from an absolutely wonderful weekend in Oklahoma City where we did Edmond's Frigid Five mile run.  I had my knee brace on and it did the job (as well as my new Breakaway Running shoes!)  I'm looking forward to the Little Rock Relay in a couple weeks.  And for you runners, we are all going to do a 10K in downtown Memphis Saturday, February 26 at 10 am, followed by music, food and beer.

I'm also going to try this new approach to riding this Saturday! -Keeli

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Whiskey post

As I am not the most conversant blogger and this is my first try at this, please forgive me if I ramble. Since Kyle is the cycling expert extraordinaire, even though this is a bicycling blog, I have decided to comment on things on which I have a fondness i.e. the refreshments after the ride. However, I am not a beer drinker and will, therefore, only be discussing wine and liquors.

After the ride of 1/23/2011, I brought out a Knappogue Castle 12 year old single malt Irish whiskey. For those who are not familiar whiskey types, Irish whiskies are not as peaty as Scotch whiskey. Scotch malt whiskeys are heated over peat fires while Irish whiskeys are heated in enclosed kilns. Irish whiskey are also typically tripled distilled vs the double distilled of Scotch whiskey. In addition, the Irish whiskey tends to have a lighter taste than Scotch though this is not always the case.

At this time in Ireland, there are only three (3) active distilleries in the entire country. Knappogue Castle is distilled by the Bushmills distillery located in Northern Ireland. It is a very light malt whiskey with hints of rose-water and it is somewhat dry. It is aged in bourbon barrels and has no sherry overtones. For those who are not used to whiskeys, this is an excellent starter whiskey as it is not overpowering and tends to be very mellow. The price range for this whiskey is ~$30 - $35 per 750 ml bottle.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Mountain Bike at the Killough's

View overlooking Wittsburg with crew lookin at me!

Kyle changing my handle nice!

Kyle was SO excited about these cyclocross tires...
he did need a "tool" along the way for tweaking...

After a good Kyle lecture,
Jackie trying the 4 foot hump...

Kara couldn't let an old Jackster beat her...she made it too!

The homemade chimenea...Kyle loves the heat from this thing in that chair...

Alrighty's time for some spirits
 and a babysitter to sit out here...just sayin..
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Kyle and Cecilia hosted a wonderful 1-1/2 hour 7-8 mile mountain bike loop around their property off Hwy 64B.  Thankfully Kyle opened up his bike shop and took a look at my hand-me-down bike that needed some tweaking.  We set off around 3:30 and made it back to their house at 5 pm when the sun was setting.  The ride was great and a ton of fun.  We had a little, steep hill to conquer, see pictures from Jackie and Kara.  Cecilia and I just walked our bikes on up, but with Kyle giving lectures about how to handle a hill of that little size, Jackie and Kara had to attack it.  We so enjoyed the tips from Kyle.  Cecilia had a great post ride menu of smoked gouda cheese, a curry dip and two delicious sweets.  Kara brought some Fat Tire (I think) beer and we brought my favorite Syrah, 2009 Rosemount.  We so enjoyed the conversation on their super nice patio.  Someone brought up the stepping stones that led to what looked like a burnt out barrel.  Kyle immediately told how he invented a REAL chimenea out of an old tractor part.  He went on about how the chimenea's send the heat up out of the top instead of at you.  So he made this one so the heat would warm him from the front instead of up and out.  We loved his description of how it was made, how he literally built his own house and the patio we were sitting on as well as other things.  We loved, loved the conversation! 

We hope to be on the bikes soon.  We had a huge blast of 20 degree temps and it could be two weeks until the temperatures rise for a bike ride.  Ya'll be safe!