Monday, February 14, 2011

Road Bike this Saturday, February 19, 2011

Some participants in the Edmond Frigid Five
Monday, February 14, 2011

Ya'll be on time or text me if you're running late.  See Kyle's comment (I personally think he's talking about Kara and I since we are always late because of kids and sitters...I didn't take it personally tho!  lol!):

I am wondering if a 45 miler is a bit much this Saturday because our 3:00 start time is really 3:30 and 45 will take 3 hrs and will be riding in the near dark. It is a full moon this weekend and that would be neat to ride in as long as there is no traffic but I degress. I'm thinking of an out and double back from Winnona which is 34 miles and we will be picking up Cecelia and anyone else on the return.

Happy Valentine's Day Ya'll!  I'm so glad Jackie took care of Valentine's Day at Iris last week, it was divine.  The restaurant also put my review of it on Iris' Facebook page so there's been a lot of people on there!  I am making Jackie Chicken Fried Steak for dinner, which is a great gift to him, since he hasn't been on the same page about all my Terry Conlan cookin.

It's such a beautiful day!  Kara and I wanna ride road bikes Saturday when we get off work.  Let's meet at my house 3 pm.  Let's do that good loop over to Winnona so plan on 3 hours-Keeli

From Kyle 2-15-11
I have a new route to try from Birdeye: coldwater,twist,earle,parkin,coldwater only 2 miles of it on 64. 45miles

P.S. I'll have provisions for a snack and social time Saturday.  If you're joining us post it on here!
On my menu:  Fresh's Hummus with pitas, celery, carrots and Pancho's dip and chips (I love/miss Pancho's!), Gladiator, Stella and Ultra (Boone is to bring the old stand by).  Ya'll don't have to bring a thing!-Keeli


  1. Killoughs are coming but is anyone interested in a shorter ride(15-20mi) CK wants a short ride, I'm up for the longer one.

  2. We're in for Saturday! Hopefully we're not too out of practice to make it 45 miles. I miss riding. Can't wait.

  3. I know I talked to you Keeli, but I'm in for the short ride and I'm working on hubby to come, too...

  4. Anyone up for a 5 mile trip and then looking
    for the woman on the bottle! Come on peeps its going to be nice day to chat! MB
