Sunday, March 20, 2011

Becca and Neall Host 25 mile bike ride

Another bike ride....Stan, Neall, Becca, Julie, Jackie, me, Beth, Cecilia,
Kyle, Martin (Kara at Seussical, Beth pregnant, Matt watching
the tourney and Jimmy out with the flu)

Becca's Schwinn road bike

Just the beginning of one of the hardest rides we've done in a long time,
the wind picked up at Hwy 306 near Colt and nearly blew us all down.
On Hwy 1 coming back from Colt, there was a 15-20 mph north wind,
it was rough, rough, rough....

Linton, Whit, Chloe pushing Stella

Rose enjoying the party on her turf

On the way home from the bike ride, Chloe and I were mesmerized by
the size and color of the moon.  We stopped on the bay road to take
photographs, Chloe took this one while the car was parked.  This morning
we found out that the moon was a Super Moon, the closest the moon's
been to the earth in 18 years. 
Saturday, March 19, 2011

A giant thank you to Beth, Neall and Becca for hosting yesterday's bike ride.  (Jimmy was on his 2nd day of high fever flu)  It was a perfect day for bike riding and a perfect evening for a cookout.   Except for the wind that came up out of nowhere half way through the ride.  We took it from Wynne west to Hwy 284 and north to Hwy 306 to Colt.  At Colt that wind came up and was a challenge all the way back to Wynne.  In fact, I tried to draft off Martin but his pace was too swift.  Kyle came up and let me draft in that 15-20 mph north wind and then he went back to assist Beth, Cecilia and Julie back to town.  I had to have Jackie hold my bike so I could get off.  My legs were so stiff and sore afterwards. 

Beth, Neall and Becca grilled hamburgers out for everyone, they were really good.  Becca also made the best brussels sprouts with bacon, I couldn't keep my hands out of them.  There were quesadillas, dips and cookies.  The hit of the desserts was Becca's ice cream machine.  The kids loved it and drained it fast.  It was a beautiful day for a bike ride and cookout.  Thanks for hosting Becca, Neall and Beth! 

Who's hosting this week??

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