Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Mighty Mite, Forrest City

Mighty Mite Tri 2010
Becca, Neall, me, Kara, Jackie, Martino
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Jackie, Kara, Martin, Stan and I have all officially entered for the 2nd time for the Mighty Might Triathlon July 16 in Forrest City!!  We've all have been training for the swim and bike.  And I've heard that Stan, Martin and Kyle have been biking and running!  I'm looking forward to reporting on how it goes this year.  I've been researching how to get my transition area time lower without having to disconnect my insulin pump as well as continuing swim lessons at the Fogelman YMCA in downtown Memphis.  I have an aquapac coming in the mail, $80 later....just kidding...we'll see....I think Becca and Neall are also doing the tri...can't wait for it!  Martin, Kara, Jackie and I are cycling to the country club 10 miles this Friday at 7 am, swimming 600 yards, running 3 miles then cycling back the 10 miles.  It will be a great challenge since Kara and Martin's Bianchi's bikes are in the shop and they'll be on mountain bikes (like I used for a year before gettin my own road bike...).  Maybe we all should ride on our mountain bikes, that should be a challenge to say the least....

Here's a link for fueling for a tri:


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