Monday, January 24, 2011

The First Birdeye Biker

This is Harmon (Jackie's dad) in front of his bike, notice Kara and Martin's house in the background.  The photo was taken in 1955 when he was 10.  Harmon also said he had a ton of wrecks around Birdeye as a kid on that bike.  I'll have to get Kyle to try and figure out if it's a Schwinn or what!
Monday, January 24, 2011

Carolyn Raffety, Harmon's sister, found this photo during a Christmas dig for photos and gave it to me.  I loved that it's got Martin's house in the background.  I'd say Harmon was the first Birdeye Biker, he's the oldest of all the cousins.   I'll have to get Jackie to make a comment on here about it.

See ya'll Saturday at 3 pm from Wynne, who's gonna host? (weather permitting of course)

1 comment:

  1. I think it may be a Western Flyer. I have one that I restored 15 years ago and it looks just like Harmon's. I bought it from Billy Lee, maybe it is actually Harmon's old bike?
